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Normal body temperature reference value
* Normal body temperature reference values are as follows:
  Oral temperature ranges between 36.7℃~37.7℃
  Armpit temperature ranges between 36.0℃~37.4℃
  Rectum temperature ranges between 36.9℃~37.9℃
In general, normal armpit temperature of children is between 36-37 ℃, and the body temperature in the afternoon will be higher than that in the morning.
* Physical cooling
·The babies under three months old should not use antipyretic. Physical cooling is relatively safer, which is applicable to the fever of weak babies and fever of infants under three months old.
·Some infants suddenly have high fever above 39 degrees, and they should first undergo physical cooling at home, to avoid the occurrence of "fever convulsions" on the way to hospital. 
·The neonatal baby fever should not use drug cooling, because the body temperature adjustment function of neonatal babies has not been completely developed. 
·It’s better to use proper physical cooling measures for the infant fever caused by common infections.
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